
User Guide



Ducat is an task management chatbot (AKA catbot) that allows you to note down your tasks and manage them accordingly. You can ask Ducat to create new tasks and tick them off when completed. You can edit, delete, and search through your tasks as you wish.

Features and Usage

1. todo

Add a todo to your tasks list.

todo <description> 
todo Read book

2. deadline

Add a deadline to your tasks list. You can specify dates for deadlines.

deadline <description> /by <yyyy-mm-dd>
deadline Assignment /by 2020-03-12

3. event

Add an event to your tasks list. You can specify dates for events.

event <description> /by <yyyy-mm-dd>
event Meeting /by 2020-04-12

4. done

Marks a task as done.

done <task number>
done 4

5. edit

Edit the description of a task (todo, deadline, or event)

edit <task number> /to <new description>
edit 1 /to Read textbook

6. delete

Removes a task from the list.

delete <task number>
delete 2

7. find

Search the list for tasks containing a keyword.

find <keyword>
find book

8. list

List all of your tasks.


9. bye

Says goodbye.
